2nd VERTUOSE Project Worskhop

Data at the Workplace

Working with data: collecting, analyzing and using traces of work activities?

In conjunction with the 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2024➹)

June 18th 2024

Rimini, Italy


The second edition of the VERTUOSE workshop builds upon the success of our 2023 gathering, titled “Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze?” In that 1st workshop, 11 researchers convened to explore data collection and processing methods aimed at enhancing work quality by addressing information overload, cognitive strain, and communication challenges (Fiore-Gartland, et al., 2015). We delved into various work contexts, including healthcare, shop floors, learning environments, and office settings. Beyond the immediate focus on work quality, we also engaged in broader discussions about data within the workspace.

For this year’s workshop, we retain our initial inquiry but expand its scope. In addition to improving working conditions, we now emphasize the efficiency of workers’ actions, all while respecting the collective agreements established by the relevant stakeholders. By efficiency, we refer to the optimal execution of tasks under favorable conditions.

Every work activity generates digital traces that can be recorded live (Burnett, J. R., et al., 2021) or collected retrospectively. The aim of this workshop is to question the methods by which this data is collected, analyzed and used, whether by those involved in the workplace or by researchers (Flyverbom, et al. 2018). These questions will be raised from a particular angle. In practice, working with data is often associated with the issue of hierarchical control of work (Holten Møller, et al., 2021; Flügge et al., 2021; Levy, 2002). The aim here is to approach data processing for other purposes. Particular attention will be paid to studies that present other uses for the data collected, for example, in terms of improving working conditions (Mark, G. 2023) or developing democracy in the workplace (Kristiansen et al., 2018). We will be looking at the opportunities associated with computerized data collection, especially for organizational actors (managers, workers, trade unions) (Khovanskaya et al., 2020; Pedersen & Bossen, 2024). It seems to us that thinking of alternative uses for control or surveillance is crucial for the design of labor data collection and analysis tools that promote organizational  efficiency (Faraj, S., et al., 2018).

This topic (data at the workplace) therefore raises many questions:


Important Dates

Paper Deadline

May 6th, 2024

Submission form➹ 

Notification of Acceptance

May 13th, 2024

Workshop at ECSCW'24

June 18th, 2024

ECSCW Conference

June 17th–21st, 2024

Important Links

ECSCW'24  Registration (TbA)

ECSCW'24 –  Program (TbA)